Antique Bespoke Needlepoint Tapestry Embroidered Floral Lampshade: C19th Britain
Regular price £550.00
Antique Silk Velvet Panel with Chinoiserie Appliqué & Embroidered Borders: C1920 Britain
Regular price £650.00
Bespoke Silk Satin embroidered Ottoman pillow: 19th Century Asia
Regular price £285.00
Fine Antique Hand Embroidered Lace Sample Leon Goetz & Fils: C1920 France
Fine Antique Watercolour Painting Bird & Flowers & Verse: C19th England
Regular price £395.00
Micro Mosaic Inlaid Sedali Picture Frame: C19th Eastern India
Regular price £295.00
Decorative Gold Gilt Toleware Headdress Laurel & Oak Leaves: C1900 France
Regular price £425.00
Antique Portrait Silhouette Cameo Collectable: C18th Britain
Antique Collectable Silhouette Portrait Cameo in Toleware Frame: C18th Britain
Antique Silhouette Portrait Cameo in Toleware Frame Collectable: C18th Britain
Antique Collectable Silhouette Portrait Cameo in Toleware Frame : C18th England
Antique Early Silhouette Portrait in Pretty Toleware Frame: C18th Britain
Collectable Antique Early Silhouette Portrait of Child in Pretty Toleware Frame: C18th Britain
Antique Gold Thread Embroidered Woman’s Shoes Mauve Silk : C18th Europe
Collectable Ottoman Children’s Embroidered Shoes: C19th Istanbul, Turkey
Regular price £320.00
Collectable Ottoman Children’s Embroidered Turkish Slippers: C19th Turkey
Pair of Tiny Antique Hand carved Treen Sabots: C19th Europe
Regular price £325.00
Antique Grodnertal Wooden Folk Art Peg Doll: C19th Germany
Regular price £340.00
Antique Meji Period Woodblock Print with Figures in Traditional Costume: C19th Japan
Regular price £385.00
Antique Zardozi Embroidery Peacock & Tree of Life in Original Frame: C1900 India for export
Regular price £985.00